Baycrest Year In Review: 2021-22

Year In Review 2021-22
Empowering Older Adults to Age Fearlessly

Dr. William E. Reichman

Josh Cooper
Baycrest Foundation
Baycrest is a global leader in aging and brain health with a vision of a world where, with your help, we can all Fear No AgeTM.
Baycrest provides everyone the tools they need to make their later years the best years of their lives. Through our work in research, innovation, care and education, we are working to defeat dementia and create a world where every older adult enjoys a life of purpose, inspiration and fulfilment. |
We are now more than two years out from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. During this unprecedented time, and all the challenges that came with it for Baycrest, our leadership team, staff and community truly demonstrated what it was to go “above and beyond” together to navigate these turbulent times with compassion, determination and dedication.
However, as we’ve learned in no uncertain terms, this is the “Baycrest way.” Throughout, we continued to expand our leadership in the provision of care, education, innovation and research in brain health and aging. As if that weren’t enough, we also launched our new brand campaign: Fear No Age™.
We have declared our bold intention and commitment to defeating dementia and giving everyone the tools they need to make their later years the best years of their lives. In short, Baycrest wants to help everyone Fear No Age.
We are pleased to present Baycrest’s 2021-22 Year in Review. In this report are notable accomplishments that include innovations for older adults and virtual care through the Baycrest-led Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation; breakthrough studies on brain health from our Rotman Research Institute scientists; and continued expansion of offerings by Baycrest@Home. There are also international projects and partnerships through Baycrest Global Solutions, our knowledge commercialization arm, to help older adults thrive in their communities no matter where they reside. In addition, we have launched Possibilities by BaycrestTM, a new model of care that is geared towards optimizing brain health while recognizing the person and supporting them in their best possible aging journey. Also highlighted are an array of new, virtual events and fundraising through our Baycrest Foundation to provide critical support to all these initiatives and more.
This report represents a small sampling of the collective efforts and outcomes achieved when our committed and passionate staff and community determine to change the journey of aging.
Our staff have tirelessly worked to not only safeguard our resident and patient population, but to continue building for tomorrow.
Together we are creating a future where older adults discover their possibilities at every age and stage of life, wherever they are on their cognitive journey. It’s a future where growing older fuels hope, with the start of a new beginning.
We remain grateful to our Baycrest community of donors whose support has been, and continues to be, integral to our ability to successfully face the challenges our times.
As we slowly emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic at Baycrest, we continue to tirelessly push ourselves, in order to expand our reach and impact. Day by day, we are redefining the future of aging both on our campus and far beyond.
Thank you,
Dr. William Reichman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Baycrest Seniors Care

Josh Cooper, President & CEO, Baycrest Foundation

A world where every older adult enjoys a life of purpose, inspiration and fulfilment.
Providing an exceptional, person-and family-centred residential and health care experience.
In support of our mission, to create a world where every older adult enjoys a life of purpose, inspiration and fulfilment, Baycrest has outlined a specific set of goals and objectives. Goal #1 is to provide an exceptional, person and family centred residential and health care experience. Throughout this past year, Baycrest has achieved many successes in this area through three key objectives, as highlighted below.
Partnering with clients to implement evidence-informed best practices and advance a culture of service excellence throughout the organization
Baycrest partners with clients to implement evidence-informed, best practices and advance a culture of service excellence throughout the organization. This included Client and Family Partner Panel (CFPP) member participation in a number of initiatives, including the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario’s (RNAO) Best Practice Spotlight Organization program, implementing best practice guidelines in which inpatient teams focused on sustainability and spread of pressure injury prevention and management guidelines across the hospital.
Our CFPP members were also involved in the development of the Virtual Behavioural Management program, a novel, client-centred way to manage Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) in the setting where the person is situated. Additionally, we saw the establishment of an appeals process related to pandemic visiting restrictions that includes a panel with Client and Family Partners, Client Relations and Ethicist representation.
Demonstrating the effectiveness of continuous quality improvement across all Baycrest programs by performance reporting at the point of service
Through the use of performance boards and huddles, we have engaged staff in the identification of new quality priorities and the sustainability of existing initiatives (e.g., pressure injury prevention and medication administration record [MAR] improvement). Teams have also been included in process improvement initiatives and regularly review relevant performance data through working group meetings.
Creating high-performing teams by empowering our staff to engage in lifelong inquiry and learning
Baycrest is creating high-performing teams by empowering our staff to engage in lifelong inquiry and learning through a variety of initiatives. This includes support and mentorship for Baycrest nurses who wish to apply for the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowships (ACPF). This year, Baycrest nurses received two ACPF fellowships for work on the Pressure Injury and Falls Prevention best practice guideline implementation.
Additionally, we undertook the implementation of structured professional development and support for hospital RN Team Leads, enhancing RPN scope of practice in the hospital (IV training has commenced), leadership education provided to Apotex RPNs and thirteen point-of-care hospital nurses received advanced wound care education to enable their role as wound care champions.
Introduce innovative residential and healthcare delivery models for older adults and their families.
In support of our mission, to create a world where every older adult enjoys a life of purpose, inspiration and fulfilment, Baycrest has outlined a specific set of goals and objectives. Goal #2 is to introduce innovative residential and health care delivery models for older adults and their families. As highlighted below, Baycrest has achieved many successes in this area over the past year.
Baycrest continues to make advancements in the development and implementation of Baycrest@Home, an innovative portfolio of direct and virtual technology-enabled home care and community-based activities helping frail older adults remain at home with appropriate supports.
This initiative provides a holistic approach to care for older adults with declining cognitive health, as well as support for their care partners – usually a spouse or an adult child. The process includes virtual visits with a clinical social worker who assesses the needs of the individual and their family.
Families have access to education, clinical expertise, counselling and referrals, a home safety assessment and healthcare advice. Virtual social and recreational programs keep older adults with dementia and their care partners engaged, reduce social isolation and contribute to their overall health and well-being.
All Baycrest@Home services draw on the knowledge and skills of Baycrest experts in aging and brain health. Baycrest@Home is also testing sensor technology for home safety and developing an online learning platform to educate and support family care partners.
When the pandemic hit, Baycrest@Home was able to extend its reach to members of Baycrest’s Adult Day Programs who were no longer able to come to the campus. The Adult Day Programs provide a range of activities, support and social connections for older adults living in the community.
Additionally, Baycrest is designing and beginning to introduce Possibilities by Baycrest, a Memory Care model and a transformational approach to supporting persons living with dementia and their caregivers across all of our clinical, community and congregate residential settings.
This past year, the focus of work undertaken has been to advance the development of the model and to pilot test components through Baycrest@Home. In addition, planning has been launched for the adoption of the model in the new Terraces Memory Residence with the support of a Terraces Possibilities Implementation Team. Read more about this new model here.
During this past pandemic year, Baycrest has also made tremendous strides in the development and implementation of new integrated service delivery models to care for older persons living with dementia and complex physical frailty by collaborating with local and provincial health care partners.
In particular, this year Baycrest launched the new Virtual Behavioural Medicine (VBM) Program, a collaboration between the Sam and Ida Ross Memory Clinic at Baycrest and the Toronto Central Behavioural Support for Seniors Program (TC-BSSP), which sees patients through virtual visits over the secure Ontario Telemedicine Network rather than in person.
This new program was designed to assess and treat people with challenging behaviours caused by dementia and related cognitive disorders, and it is helping acute care hospitals, long-term care homes and family caregivers better care for people living with dementia and improve their quality of life. Read more here.
Additionally, Baycrest is supporting older adults in the community through a collaboration with the North York Community Access to Resources Enabling Support (NYCARES) pilot to enable older adults with high physical and cognitive decline to age in place by providing a wide range of in-person and digital services.
Various digital devices are used to help a client achieve their goals, improve their safety, and enhance their interaction with care providers as well as their loved ones. Baycrest is responsible for housing and managing the digital devices, including data-enabled iPads, smart home devices, fall prevention sensors, and vital signs monitoring.
Advance as a leading research, education and innovation hub for the discovery, development and adoption of better approaches to optimize healthy aging.
In support of our mission, to create a world where every older adult enjoys a life of purpose, inspiration and fulfilment, Baycrest has outlined a specific set of goals and objectives. Goal #3 is to advance as a leading research, education and innovation hub for the discovery, development and adoption of better approaches to optimize healthy aging. Some notable successes in this area are highlighted below.
Baycrest is creating a highly effective culture of innovation, supported by organizational structures and activities that catalyze novel collaborations between our clinical, research, educational and corporate support areas. Some examples this year include:
- The Baycrest Innovation Office, BIO, is the initial point of contact for Baycrest staff and members of industry seeking support in advancing innovation at Baycrest. During the past year, BIO has helped introduce many innovations, as well as provided learning and networking opportunities for staff, volunteers and our community.
- BIO has brought forward and evaluated the potential impact of dozens of technological and process-based innovations; has worked with CABHI, CLRI, KL-CARE and RRI to catalyze novel collaborations; put together an Innovation Commercialization and Steering Committee; and has helped bring to market several commercial opportunities.
- Baycrest scientists are examining the indirect effects of COVID-19 on brain health in older adults, to help inform public health policy and identify other ways to support older adults during this difficult time.
- Dr. Björn Herrmann, a psychologist and cognitive neuroscientist specializing in hearing and aging, joined Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute as the new Tier II Canada Research Chair in Auditory Aging. His work will drive transformational research in the fight against age-related hearing loss, providing real tools to decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
- Dr. Jed Meltzer and his team are pioneering the use of individualized brain stimulation therapy to treat aphasia, a debilitating language disorder that impacts all forms of verbal communication, including speech, language comprehension, and reading and writing abilities. It affects around one-third of stroke survivors, but can also be present in those with dementia.
- A Baycrest study found that older adults who spent more time on household chores showed greater brain size, which is a strong predictor of cognitive health. Understanding how different forms of physical activity contribute to brain health is crucial for developing strategies to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults.
- The Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) awarded a team of scientists at Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute (RRI) a prestigious grant to determine why having prior knowledge on a topic affects how we learn new, related information as we age. This research will pave the way for optimizing the use of prior knowledge to preserve and improve memory as we get older, ultimately helping older adults live life to the fullest.
- As part of Goal #3, Baycrest is working to become among the most technologically advanced seniors’ health and residential care organizations in the world. This is clearly seen through a new pilot project called Smart Suites, a collection of smart home technology software and devices used to help residents, their caregivers, and staff. These devices include smart blinds, voice-controlled lighting and thermostats, as well as under-bed lighting that can help reduce the risks of falls. These devices leverage technology to help residents maintain their safety and independence and enhance the quality of care.
- Our educational activities continue to demonstrate our local, national and global leadership as a curator for expertise and training in aging brain health issues and dementia management. Our efforts this past year include:
- Baycrest continues its participation in Project ECHO (Extension of Community Health Outcomes) Care of the Elderly, an initiative with the vision to enhance the quality of care to older adults in Ontario by improving the knowledge and skills of primary care providers in meeting the healthcare needs of older adults. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, we pivoted our ECHO Care of the Elderly Long-Term Care program to run a 12-week COVID-19 series in collaboration with the Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care at Baycrest.
- This ECHO supported healthcare providers working in long-term care to build resiliency and strengthen their teams through just-in-time learning. We also completed a 10-week ECHO series in collaboration with the Alzheimer Society of Ontario focused specifically on dementia. As well, in collaboration with the Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care at Baycrest, Baycrest ran two “pop-up” sessions for leaders in long-term care with a focus on increasing vaccine acceptance. With funding from the RBC Foundation, and in partnership with the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health and the Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry, Baycrest implemented a national ECHO pilot focused on mental health and older adults.
- Baycrest has been piloting various Virtual Reality education projects related to dementia with staff and students. These include a Virtual Trigger Room – where participants “walk” through the virtual rooms of a resident’s home and identify possible triggers for responsive behaviours; and a Virtual Reality De-escalation – a CABHI SPARK grant project in partnership with the Michener Institute/UHN and the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, where participants wear a Virtual Reality headset and interact with a live simulated participant (both as avatars) to prevent behaviour escalation in a person with dementia.
- The Memory and Aging Program is an evidence-based education and memory strategy training program for older adults experiencing normal age-related memory changes. Through this program, Baycrest is providing interactive lectures, discussions and practical exercises to teach participants about memory changes that occur with age—what’s normal and what’s not—and help them acquire tools to better manage their memory function. Read more here.
- At the beginning of the pandemic, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care asked the Michener Institute at UHN to develop an educational website to support staff redeployed into critical care. It was soon recognized that staff from acute and community care would be redeployed into long-term care as well. The COVID Care Learning website was designed to support staff and students across Ontario who are redeployed into long-term care either in their own role or in a different role (e.g., a nurse working as a PSW).
- Baycrest’s Centre for Education, in collaboration with the Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation (CLRIs) in Long-Term Care, was asked to curate, design and develop the long-term care section of the “COVID Care Learning” website
- The Ontario Centres for Learning, Research & Innovation in Long-Term Care (CLRI) at Baycrest, in partnership with CABHI, received funding for the “Implementation, Spread and Scale of the ALPHA Program to Expand Skills and Employment Opportunities in Long-Term Care.”
- We have adapted to physical distancing and other infection prevention measures by holding all international education rounds virtually. Participants and presenters connect via their own devices (laptops, desktops, tablets, etc.) using Zoom Conferencing. International rounds are broadcasted to international participants.
- In conjunction with Dr. Adriana Shnall, Program Director of Baycrest@Home, the eLearning team has developed a series of modules in support of family caregivers. These modules are intended to guide a general audience on how to support caregivers they may know, as well as serve as resources for caregivers themselves. The modules are primary resources on The Petro‑Canada CareMakers Foundation™ website, launched in 2021 in support of caregivers in communities across Canada. Click here to learn more.
- The Ontario government invested over $432,000 in Baycrest’s Goal Management Training program enabling therapists across the province to digitally access training and help people struggling with cognitive impairment as a result of COVID-19. GMT is an evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation program designed to help individuals with impairments in executive functioning to improve their planning and ability to achieve goals. This funding enabled Baycrest to expand and refine the Goal Management Training® (GMT) resources so that therapists across the province can apply this specialized approach in helping their patients improve cognitive functioning.
Be the commercial partner of choice for comprehensive, sustainable solutions for the health and residential care of older adults.
In support of our mission, to create a world where every older adult enjoys a life of purpose, inspiration and fulfilment, Baycrest has outlined a specific set of goals and objectives. Goal #4 is to be the commercial partner of choice for comprehensive, sustainable solutions for the health and residential care of older adults. The following are some recent achievements in this area.
This year, Baycrest has continued to pursue entrepreneurial, growth opportunities with private-sector partners through Baycrest Global Solutions (BGS), BIO and Cogniciti. Our activity supports the dissemination of our expertise while generating new sources of revenue. Despite the international travel restrictions during the pandemic, BGS had a successful year.
- BGS has executed a 10-year contract to operate The Aspen Tree, a luxury older adult community in Bangkok, Thailand. The community will open in 2023 and BGS is actively working with the developers to ensure a successful opening.
- BGS has completed its consulting contract in Xi'an, China. In this consulting contract BGS assisted the publicly owned real estate firm to develop programs and train staff to deliver services for older adults.
- Dementia: A Caregiver’s Guide was translated into Mandarin. According to Oxford Press, the publishing company in China, this book won the award of the most popular scientific book in 2020 and sold out its first publication. BGS International is working to publish this book in Thai for the Thailand market.
- The Baycrest Innovation Office, BIO, has helped introduce many innovations this past year, as well as brought forward and evaluated the potential impact of dozens of technological and process-based innovations; has worked with CABHI, CLRI, KL-CARE and RRI to catalyze novel collaborations; put together an Innovation Commercialization and Steering Committee; and has helped bring to market several commercial opportunities.
- In partnership with the National Ballet School of Canada, Baycrest introduced the Sharing Dance Older Adults app, as well as conducted direct outreach around the Dance at Home and Community Class offerings. BIO facilitated the commercial agreement with NBS to enable the program to scale to over 150 locations across Canada.
By working with the Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation (CABHI), Baycrest is helping to develop and implement sustainable, mutually beneficial engagement strategies with industry and investment sector partners to enhance the creation, dissemination and broad adoption of innovative solutions.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, CABHI-supported innovations have continued to demonstrate the importance of flexible, digitally driven healthcare resources that can evolve to meet the needs of older adults and their circle of care, both during the present health crisis and beyond. These digital healthcare innovators have been responding to the challenges of the pandemic and leveraging their knowledge to address the immediate needs of seniors and their caregivers, as well as the broader longevity sector. To read more, click here.
Founded by the Jewish community and guided by the principles embedded within our faith, heritage and culture, Baycrest is committed to pursuing its mission and achieving its vision through compassion, advocacy, respect, innovation, and a sustained focus on achieving excellence. The achievements across Baycrest over the past year have demonstrated these values in action.
Innovation is in Baycrest’s DNA. We have always been driven by relentless curiosity about how to provide better care and better opportunities for the aging population.
Compassion comes from caring relationships that are promoted and nurtured through a culture of sensitivity, understanding, trust, and integrity.
Advocacy is essential in promoting change and socially responsible choices that are sensitive to the needs of older adults and is best achieved through a strong collective voice of clients, families, staff, volunteers, and community partners.
Respect comes with the understanding that each person is unique, with intrinsic dignity and worth.
Excellence is achieved when we reach beyond what was ever thought possible through inquiry, discovery, and lifelong learning. We apply this to all the work that we do to ensure the highest quality of care and an exceptional experience for the people we serve.
Following a century of care and our centennial celebrations, Baycrest launched a multi-year branding campaign to bring us forward into the next century. Beginning in 2018, Baycrest set out to understand how the organization is perceived among the public, as well as its ambitions for the future, as it moves into a period of substantial growth and impact over the next few years. This work was accomplished through extensive research, as well as comprehensive stakeholder interviews with dozens of individuals, including senior leadership, current and past Boards of Directors, staff, government partners, North American industry experts, donors, residents, family, Baycrest’s Client and Family Partner Panel, volunteers and others.
Baycrest’s new brand fundraising campaign, Fear No Age™, launched in September 2021 and supports our critical work to defeat dementia and create a world everyone is empowered to age fearlessly, no matter what age or stage of life. The campaign was executed by way of a website, TV commercial and advertising placements online and in print mediums. The campaign will continue for two additional years, with updated campaign creative anticipated to launch in the fall of 2022.
As the pandemic has evolved, Baycrest continues to be on the leading edge of infection prevention and control measures to help keep everyone on our campus safe. We have also worked with our system partners locally, provincially and nationally to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
The timeline below covers key points in the pandemic’s evolution and Baycrest’s response since our last annual report.
June 11, 2021
Step One of the provincial reopening plan begins. This includes loosening restrictions on retail and outdoor activities, such as the reopening of patios and the allowance of larger outdoor gatherings.
June 29, 2021
After successfully administering over 25,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, the Englemount-Lawrence Vaccination Clinic closes. Together with our partners at the North Toronto Ontario Health Team (NT-OHT), Baycrest reallocates clinic resources to increase the focus on outreach and mobile-based approaches.
June 30, 2021
Ontario enters Step Two of the provincial reopening plan. Among others, loosened restrictions include the allowance of larger social gatherings.
July 5, 2021
The Apotex Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged, resumes in-person social recreation programming in small groups of cohorted residents.
July 16, 2021
The province enters Step Three of its reopening plan. In the Apotex Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged, all limits are removed regarding the number of visitors a resident can have. All general visitors are welcome on campus, provided they follow Baycrest’s stringent safety measures.
July 23, 2021
The Delta variant (a variant of concern) becomes the dominant strain of COVID-19 in the community.
August 17, 2021
The provincial government announces a pause on any further loosening of restrictions in Ontario, following the start of Ontario's fourth wave and the growing spread of the Delta variant.
August 23, 2021
Baycrest Hospital offers expanded visiting hours for general visitors seven days a week.
August 31, 2021
In line with guidance from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, and in lockstep with our healthcare system partners, Baycrest implements a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy.
September 2, 2021
Baycrest begins offering third doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to eligible residents and patients.
September 13, 2021
In line with its mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy, Baycrest implements increased COVID-19 testing requirements for individuals coming on to campus who are not yet fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
September 22, 2021
The province’s Vaccine Certification System begins rolling out across Ontario. Ontarians must show proof that they have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine to access non-essential businesses such as gyms, indoor restaurants, movie theatres and concert halls.
October 1, 2021
The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care announces a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for all staff across the long-term care sector.
November 6, 2021
Third doses of the COVID-19 vaccine become available to a larger group of Ontarians, including those 70 and older, immunocompromised individuals and registered caregivers in long-term care homes.
November 19, 2021
Health Canada approves the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5-11.
November 28, 2021
Ontario reports the first two cases of the new, highly contagious Omicron variant, confirming the arrival of the variant in Canada.
December 13, 2021
Provincial eligibility for the COVID-19 booster dose expands to include Ontarians aged 50 and over and certain high-risk individuals.
December 15, 2021
In response to the rising spread of COVID-19 and in line with a new directive from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Baycrest expands its mandatory vaccination policy to include all general visitors, registered caregivers and private companions. Additional visitor restrictions are also implemented.
December 20, 2021
All Ontarians 18 and older become eligible to get a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
December 30, 2021
General visitors are no longer permitted to enter the Apotex, Jewish Home for the Aged, including for outdoor visits. Only essential visitors and registered caregivers are permitted until further notice.
December 30, 2021
With growing community spread, COVID-19 tests become increasingly difficult to secure. Due to these supply challenges, the Province of Ontario announces that publicly funded COVID-19 PCR testing will only be available to a limited group of higher-risk individuals.
January 14, 2022
Baycrest begins providing fourth doses of COVID-19 to eligible patients and residents.
January 31, 2022
With key healthcare indicators showing signs of improvement, Ontario begins gradually easing public health measures through its reopening plan, including increased social gathering limits and capacity in various indoor settings.
February 7, 2022
Baycrest offers registered caregivers and private companions a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on campus.
February 21, 2022
As community transmission decreases, in line with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, residents of the Apotex Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged, now have access to a small number of general visitors per day.
March 9, 2022
As community transmission decreases, in line with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, residents of the Apotex Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged, now have access to a small number of general visitors per day.

Baycrest has been awarded two Leading Practice designations by Accreditation Canada. The Accreditation Canada Leading Practice award recognizes exceptional achievement in healthcare. To be recognized as a Leading Practice, the practice must be innovative and creative, client and family-centred, evaluated, sustainable and adaptable. Read on to learn about Baycrest’s awarded efforts and other highlights from our practices this year.
The team was recognized for their regular cleaning audits and the way in which the results are shared during their performance huddles.
The group was recognized in the Ethics, Client Rights and Consent category for their development of the Visitor Appeals Committee. This unique committee is comprised of Baycrest staff from various departments, including the Client Relations Experience Office, as well as members of the Baycrest Client and Family Partner Panel (CFPP).
The Baycrest Hospital inpatient unit staff members have relaunched their performance and idea board huddles.

Baycrest Terraces welcomed several new changes this past year, including site-wide renovations, the opening of new Memory Care and Assisted Living floors and the opening of the new Kimel Family Centre for Brain Health and Wellness.
A world where every older adult enjoys a life of purpose, inspiration and fulfilment.

Over the past few years, the pandemic has shaped our lives. Our generous community of supporters helped Baycrest quickly adapt to circumstances and accelerate plans for improvements to healthcare.
As a result, we have discovered and adopted new ways to care, research and educate that will outlast these difficult times.

As the home of the world-renowned Rotman Research Institute and the scientific headquarters for more than 300 dementia researchers across Canada, Baycrest is making groundbreaking advances in research to change the future of aging and help everyone
Fear No Age™.

Baycrest is proud to be recognized as the #1 most research-intensive hospital in Canada, according to Research Infosource’s latest rankings for Canada’s Top 40 Research Hospitals. Despite the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute (RRI) has continued to increase the reach of its critical research in aging and brain health, Alzheimer’s and related dementias, sensory and cognitive neuroscience, and neuroinformatics and computational neuroscience.

Baycrest is pleased to welcome Dr. Morgan Barense as the new Dr. Max and Gianna Glassman Chair in Neuropsychology, a joint position at Baycrest and the University of Toronto. A leading neuroscientist in the field of aging and brain health, Dr. Barense’s work is helping older adults better remember the events of their lives.

The Baycrest-developed, at-home Cogniciti Brain Health Assessment performs as well as a widely used, clinician-led test at assessing patients’ cognitive health, according to a Baycrest study. Accessible and accurate cognitive assessments like the Brain Health Assessment allow clinicians to detect changes in cognition early and to prescribe interventions for patients and their families to help manage their brain health.
Thanks to funding from all three federal granting agencies – CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC – researchers at Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute (RRI) are advancing our understanding of ways to support older adults with hearing and vision loss, helping them to stay socially engaged and protecting their brain health as they age.

Scientists at Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute are paving the way toward the new field of predictive neuroscience to optimize aging and tackle the dementia crisis. This emerging field brings together specialists in numerous areas to model and predict how people will age in the future. With predictive neuroscience, we can drive new approaches to prevention, early detection and care.
Scientists at Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute are key players in the Ontario Neurodegenerative Disease Research Initiative (ONDRI), funded by the Ontario Brain Institute. In close collaboration with other provincial and national groups, their focus is on developing computer systems and software for data collection, storage, retrieval and analysis that enable and accelerate research discoveries in brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

Sixty per cent of Canadians and up to 88 per cent of older adults have low health literacy – that is, the skills needed to obtain, understand, evaluate, communicate and use reliable health information to improve their health. To address this issue and provide an exceptional person and family-centred residential and health care experience, Baycrest has revitalized and enhanced the Wellness Library on the first floor of the Apotex, Jewish Home for the Aged, to become an innovative health literacy and information centre on campus.
With this upgrade, we have created a space where clients, families, staff and the general public have access to reliable health information so they are able to participate in their care and better manage their health conditions for better health outcomes. The centre will improve client engagement, experience, empowerment and active partnership in care and quality of life by supporting patients, residents, families, caregivers and consumers to prepare for their care, become informed about their health, participate in their care and manage their condition or disease.
Like the previous library, this new centre serves older adults, caregivers, families, staff and community members with trained volunteers as a vital part of the service. Content and information focus mainly on brain health, memory, aging, dementia and caregiving. Visitors have access to computers through the new Digital Centre, with internet access and improved accessibility features, as well as new services, such as personalized health information searches. Leisure reading is also available, along with a lounge and relaxation area.

As Canada’s population ages, it is predicted that nearly one million adults will be living with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia by 2030.

May 2021
BIO launches Virtual Reality (VR) program across Baycrest
With the generous donation of VR equipment to Baycrest made possible through the Scheinberg Relief Fund, BIO facilitated the launch of a VR program for Baycrest clients. Upon consultation with clients, therapeutic recreationists at Baycrest facilitate virtual experiences so that clients can explore popular destinations from around the world, see their childhood homes, or even meditate. To date, over 500 VR experiences have been offered to Baycrest residents and patients.
June 2021
BIO facilitates the launch of the monthly Virtual Café Europa series
The Azrieli Foundation Café Europa at Baycrest is a special, monthly drop-in program for Holocaust survivors living in the community. As Baycrest continued to experience restrictions due to the pandemic, a virtual Café Europa series was launched in June 2021 and continues to run through 2022. To ensure all members could join, digital devices were offered to members in the community and delivered directly to their homes. Tech support services were also provided for attendees that needed help joining the virtual session. If requested, a virtual volunteer would call and guide them - or their caregivers - through the process.
September 2021
BIO, in partnership with the Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD) and the University of Waterloo, launches Student Innovation Program
Students from OCAD and the University of Waterloo had the unique opportunity to interview Baycrest staff and residents to explore potential needs that could be met through innovative design and engineering. In the end, over 10 innovations were created for older adults with memory changes and mobility concerns. To view a presentation of the innovations, click here.
November 2021
Baycrest@Home launches Virtual Caregiver Education Series
Facilitated by social workers and occupational therapists, Baycrest@Home’s new Virtual Caregiver Education Series offers eight lessons covering the fundamentals of dementia caregiving, including understanding dementia, activities of daily living, home safety, planning for the future, navigating the healthcare system, challenging behaviours, and caregiver supports and resources.
December 2021
Baycrest@Home becomes the first Canadian partner of the Smithsonian Museum’s See Me at the Smithsonian
Beginning in September, See Me at the Smithsonian is an interactive program for adults with memory changes and their care partners. The program explores some of the Smithsonian’s most beloved objects in small group discussions and multi-sensory activities. It provides intellectual engagement while also providing an opportunity for older adults to socialize together in a relaxed, virtual setting.
December 2021
BIO onboards 5 Apotex residents to Smart Suites
To date, Baycrest's Smart Suites, which feature the latest technology for healthy aging, have been installed in five Apotex units. From Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered voice assistants to smart toilets, each piece of technology is tailored toward the resident’s current physical and cognitive status.
February 2022
Baycrest@Home Director, Simon Cheesman, featured on Tech Talk with Marc Saltzman podcast
Simon Cheesman, Director of Baycrest@Home joined renowned journalist and tech evangelist, Marc Saltzman, on his popular Newstalk 1010 show Tech Talk. Cheesman discussed Baycrest@Home’s specialized programs as well as Baycrest’s research and expertise in Alzheimer’s and dementia care. He also described some of the services helping patients and their caregivers to navigate the health system, find peer support, prevent social isolation and assess physical safety in their homes.
March 2022
Baycrest@Home hosted their 26th caregiver webinar, now a partnership with the Koschitzky Centre for Innovations in Caregiving and the PetroCanada CareMakers Foundation
This insightful caregiver webinar series offers a wide variety of topics ranging from Assisting Caregivers with Mindfulness to Everything You Need To Know About Long Term Care. To access recordings of all 26 caregiver webinars, click here.

The Baycrest Foundation, the fundraising arm of Baycrest, continues to enrich the lives of older adults by providing crucial funding in support of programs and services that promote excellence in care, research, education and innovation in aging.
Thousands of supporters took part in Baycrest events over the past year, including the Barrie to Baycrest bike ride, a Walk for the Ages at Canada’s Wonderland, the Humour Me comedy benefit, golf tournaments, the Scotiabank Pro-Am for Alzheimer’s hockey tournament and the first Mattamy Homes Bike for Brain Health.
Baycrest is grateful to everyone who took part and to those who made donations to support these enthusiastic participants!
A new Baycrest Real Estate Professionals group launched in January in support of dementia research and innovation.
Women in Science

Adapting seamlessly to an online format, co-chairs Tobie Bekhor and Gilda Goodman Helman created a series of engaging events and lectures for gatherings of Women Friends of Baycrest.

Flower sales organized by Baycrest’s good friend and supporter Sarah Krybus Fishman took place just before Rosh Hashanah and Passover.
Baycrest has provided compassionate care to older adults since 1918. At the heart of our home is an enormous kosher kitchen that produces more than a million meals a year for residents, hospital patients, Meals on Wheels clients and patients at healthcare centres across Ontario.
Honour Baycrest Heroes
The special people who work at Baycrest help make life better every day for patients, residents and members of the community who access care. These sentiments come through loud and clear via the new Gift of Thanks program.
The Baycrest Young Philanthropy group has been involved with teams in signature events, including A Walk for the Ages and the Scotiabank Pro-Am for Alzheimer’s.
© 2022 Baycrest Annual Report