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Baycrest Memory Clinic

Brain Health registry

Brain training program

Ask the Experts

Brain Health Assessment

Smart Tracker

Get involved in brain health research

Memory and aging

Memory loss and Dementia

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI)

Neuropsychology and Cognitive health


What is Dementia?


Risk Factors


Signs and symptoms, stages and diagnosis

Dementia information in other languages

Dementia: Safety issues

Dementia support programs

Information for caregivers

What are Responsive behaviours?

Models for BPSD (Responsive behaviours)

Types of BPSD (Responsive behaviours)

BPSD (Responsive behaviours) in Long-term care

BPSD (Responsive behaviours): Assessment and treatment

BPSD (Responsive behaviours): Medications

BPSD (Responsive behaviours): Treatment and management

BrainMatters magazine