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Research Ethics Board

All research projects involving Baycrest physicians, staff, students or patients must obtain ethical approval from the Research Ethics Board (REB) before research can begin. The Baycrest REB ensures that all research carried out under the auspices of Baycrest is reviewed for scientific merit, ethical considerations and resource implications. It also ensures that safeguards are developed, and continually monitored, to provide the greatest protection to patients, residents and members of the community who serve as research participants.

Research proposals are either reviewed by the full board at a scheduled meeting or in an expedited manner, depending on the level of risk associated with the study and prior review. Regardless of the type of review, a full application form must be completed. A complete research proposal/and or protocol must also be submitted.

For more information and questions about REB submissions, please contact Noah Koblinsky at 416-785-2500 ext. 2440 or Ashley Kim at 416-785-2500 ext. 3550.

The Baycrest REB has been accredited by Clinical Trials Ontario.

CTO Certified Logo

Annual Review Form: The REB annual review form has been updated to include a question which asks the research team to report how many individuals were asked to share their data via open science and how many consented. Please use this latest version, which can be found in the "forms" section below.       
Staff Changes: The REB will no longer be approving staff changes for research studies. Please do not submit these as amendments. However, we ask that all studies maintain a personnel log so we have a record of staff who are active on projects and have completed their ethics training. A personnel log template and link to the ethics training course can be found below in the “forms” section. When there is a staff change, please email the Research Ethics Office to let us know who will be joining the study. Include an updated personnel log and a certificate showing they completed the ethics training.
Participant Payment Policy: Please read the updated participant payment policy in the "forms" section below.
Participant Database Interview Script: The telephone script used when entering individuals into the research participant database has been updated. It can be found at the top of the “screening interview” page on the participant database website.


Ethics Forms and Process

All research projects conducted in Baycrest must receive approval from the Research Ethics Board prior to initiation.