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We are delighted to let everyone know that Research and Education are now together in a new charitable entity, Baycrest Academy for Research and Education.

Your Participation In Research Can Make A Difference

Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute, home to some of the world’s most renowned cognitive neuroscientists, is currently seeking participants to help advance research on aging and the brain. The knowledge we gain through clinical research is incredibly valuable and helps improve the way we delay, prevent, diagnose and treat brain disorders.

Below are examples of some of the ways in which research participants have contributed to recent Baycrest studies.

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Tracking eye movements to study memory

Research participants were first asked to memorize a series of 30 new images on a screen. Next, they viewed another series, this time containing both some of the previously seen images and some new-but-similar images. They were then asked to indicate whether they had seen each one before. Their eye movements were tracked during both stages.

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Our research teams are committed to ensuring a comfortable and safe environment for all participants. If you are interested in taking part in a research study, please complete the form below and a member of our research team will contact you.
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Are you a Baycrest client?

Current Baycrest inpatients and outpatients have the opportunity to contribute to the ground-breaking research taking place at Baycrest. Baycrest's Client Registry is a secure, searchable database comprised of a limited selection of health information. The Client Registry is used to match health information to the eligibility criteria for research studies being conducted at Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute, home to some of the world’s most renowned cognitive neuroscientists. Those who do not wish to participate can opt out of the Client Registry or decline to take part in a research study at any time by calling the Research Hotline at 416-785-2500 ext. 2900.