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The goals of the Ben & Hilda Katz Inter-Professional Research Centre in Geriatric and Dementia Care are:
  • To build capacity for inter-professional research at Baycrest
  • To promote scholarly activity among Baycrest clinicians
  • To embed inter-professional research into clinical practice.
Led by the Katz Program, an inter-professional team at Baycrest tested the Safely You falls prevention project, in which cameras linked to an artificial intelligence system were placed in the rooms of residents of the Apotex Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged at Baycrest. This not only alerted staff immediately when residents fell, but also allowed clinical staff to see why and how residents fell, so that measures could be put into place to prevent future falls. This was collaboration among innovators, Katz researchers, clinical staff and IT, among others.
The Centre is directed by Dr. Nicole Anderson, a clinical neuropsychologist and Senior Scientist at the Rotman Research Institute (RRI), and includes Dr. Amanda Grenier, a Senior Scientist at the RRI and the Norman and Honey Schipper Chair in Gerontological Social Work.

Affiliated Investigators 

Meaghan Adams, PT, PhD
Manger, Simulation & Virtual Learning, Centre for Education & Knowledge Translation in Aging, Baycrest Academy for Research & Education

Faith D. Boutcher RN, MSc., PhD
Executive Director, Centre for Education & Knowledge Exchange in Aging Baycrest Academy for Research and Education

Carey Burleigh MSW, RSW
Interprofessional Educator, Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care, Baycrest

David Conn, MB, FRCPC
Staff Psychiatrist, Baycrest

Shoshana Helfenbaum MSW RSW 
Interprofessional Educator, Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care, Baycrest

Galit Kliener, MDCM, FRCPC
Neurologist, Baycrest Movement Disorders and Spasticity Management Clinic, Baycrest

Raquel M. Meyer, PhD RN
Program Director, Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation in Long-Term Care, Baycrest

Gary Naglie, MD, FRCPC, FGSA
Vice President, Medical Services & Chief of Staff, Department of Medicine, Baycrest