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Description of the program:

  • Located in the Charlotte and Lewis Steinberg Family Rehabilitation Wing, Baycrest rehab services provide goal-directed inpatient rehabilitative therapy after an acute event or illness, musculoskeletal injury, surgery or hospitalization, which is key to ensuring that patients can return to community living.
  • Our rehabilitation services offer a comprehensive array of specialized interventions focused on the unique needs of frail seniors with complex needs, including multiple health conditions, physical impairments, recent functional decline and cognitive change. We provide supports as required, while respecting the wishes and goals of the patient to remain as independent as possible.

Goals of the program:

  • The desired goal of rehabilitative care includes the maintenance or sustaining of functionality, the restoration of functionality and/or the development of adaptive capacity.
  • Goals and discharge plans are developed from the patient's perspective, with caregivers recognized as key to enabling patient/client function.
  • Patients and caregivers are involved throughout the rehabilitative care process to support the attainment of goals and the patient’s return to community living.

Expected Length of Stay:

  • 7 West: Typically, patients are on this unit for less than 4 weeks. Your discharge date may change based on your stay in the hospital.
  • 7 East: Length of stay will be determined by your health care team’s assessment of your individual needs.

Application Process:

  • An application can be sent by the patient’s health care team in acute care through the Resource Matching and Referral (RMR) system or via fax: 416-785-2471. For fax referrals, please use the GTA rehab referral form: GTA Rehab Network Rehabilitative Care & CCC Referral Form
  • All applications are reviewed to confirm that our services are appropriate to meet the patient’s care needs.

For referrals to the service: Please speak to your acute care service provider or hospital discharge planner.

Click to print or download the brochure for the In-Patient Rehabilitation Program.

If you are interested in applying to our rehab program or wish to discuss eligibility criteria, please speak to a member of your care team in acute care, such as a physiotherapist, social worker or discharge planner.