Our Jewish Cultural Programs focus on enlivening the environment and enriching the lived experience of the holidays. Providing holiday programs and celebrations, whether it is Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, Purim or Pesach, decorations, music, entertainment, children’s groups, special foods and community guests contribute to enhancing the holiday experience for residents. Activities include L’Chaim parties at Rosh Hashanah, visits to the main floor Sukkah, and a Simchat Torah parade. On Rosh Hashanah, the shofar is blown on the floors across the Centre. Community high schools e.g. CHAT students visit the floors and assist with holiday celebrations. Chanukah is celebrated with the lighting of the menorah each day in the Winter Garden Court and a special Chanukah Family Day program on a Sunday afternoon, complete with latkes, dreidels, and chocolate gelte. Tu Bishevat is celebrated with a special program and an opportunity for planting trees and plants. Purim includes Megillah readings and a parade. On Passover, special seders are held for hospital patients and their families while a more traditional seder is open to all clients and families in the hospital and Apotex. On Shavuot, visiting rabbis and community leaders bring Sefer Torahs up to the floors, going from room to room. Israel’s Independence Day (Yom Ha’atzmaut) is celebrated with a special concert, a slide show in the main lobby, Israeli flags, a special blue and white cake and a falafel stand on the main floor. Many clients and staff enjoy the concert and stop to watch the slides, ask questions and share stories. We also mark Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day, with another picture presentation on the main floor. On Lag B’Omer, an artificial campfire is built in the Winter Garden Court, and a strolling musician engages clients in a sing-a-long. During those times in the Jewish calendar that are associated with more somber or tragic periods in Jewish history, music programs are modified or replaced with other activities. Music therapy and music programs continue on the floors, as we are cognizant of the essential role music plays for our residents’ health and well-being. However, our larger, more public gatherings are modified to include cantorial concerts and alternate social activities.View our High Holidays Service Flyer