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Baycrest Completes Successful Accreditation Canada Survey

Effective December 2022, Baycrest has been accredited with Exemplary Standing. This is the highest level of performance achievable in the Accreditation Canada program, which is used by over 10,000 sites in 30 countries.  This is an important milestone to celebrate and reflects the dedication and commitment of Baycrest’s staff and physicians to providing safe, high-quality, client- and family-centred care.

How was Baycrest assessed?

Baycrest has transitioned to a sequential survey model for Accreditation. The sequential survey is a new approach offered by Accreditation Canada to better support organizations to engage in continuous quality improvement. In order to achieve Exemplary Standing, Baycrest’s practices were assessed by multiple surveyors during three separate site visits.

  • In January 2021, we completed the first segment of our survey, which focused on ambulatory and mental health services, as well as corporate evaluations of medication management and infection prevention and control practices (518 standards assessed).
  • In November 2021, we completed the next phase of our sequential survey, which focused on governance, leadership, and inpatient hospital service excellence standards (491 standards assessed).
  • In November 2022, we completed the third and final segment of our full survey, which focused on the Apotex Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged (398 standards assessed). 

Accreditation decisions are based on compliance with standards.  Across all three site visits, Baycrest met 1,406 out of 1,407 applicable standards, including all required organizational practices.  In addition to meeting all but one standard, the surveyors recognized the passion and engagement of Baycrest’s staff and physicians. 

Baycrest’s accreditation award is an incredible achievement that would not be possible without the day-to-day  commitment of Baycrest’s staff, physicians, resident / client and family partners, learners, and volunteers.   


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