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COVID-19 Information

Baycrest is committed to communicating with you about COVID-19. The health and safety of residents, patients, families, visitors, private companions, staff and volunteers is of paramount priority. This page contains the most up-to-date information from Baycrest.

For a list of any declared outbreaks on campus please Click Here.

To book your COVID-19 vaccination or for more information, please visit the Government of Ontario's vaccination site here or call 1-833-943-3900.

Please note: Visitors who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19, and screened positive should avoid entering Baycrest for non-essential visits for 10 days and follow public health guidance.  

Measures in Place

If you have ANY of the following new or worsening symptoms or signs, it is imperative that you stay home:

For everyone’s safety, the following measures are in place:

  • All visitors must ensure they are not experiencing any symptom of COVID-19 before entering Baycrest.
  • Visitors may not eat or drink at the bedside.
  • During a COVID-19 outbreak, visitor restrictions may be in place and will be communicated accordingly.
  • Visitors under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the visit


As we enter the respiratory illness season, and in our continued efforts to keep our community safe, Baycrest is updating its masking policy effective Friday, November 1.

For all staff, visitors and caregivers, masking requirements are as follows:

  • Masking is required during direct interactions with residents and patients in care areas.
  • Masking remains optional in public and non-clinical areas.

Clients should also wear a mask when possible. For further information about this policy change, please speak to a member of your care team.

Leaves of Absence for Hospital Patients

  • Requests for personal absences to a private setting will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Absences for essential, medical or compassionate reasons are permitted.
  • The patient, the patient’s power of attorney or the patient’s substitute decision maker, can speak with a member of the care team for further information about a leave of absence request. All leaves must be approved by the patient’s care team.

COVID-19 testing 

In line with ministry guidance, rapid antigen testing is no longer required for visitors and caregivers who do not have any symptoms of COVID-19.

Visitor Policy Details for Hospital Patients

In line with guidance from the Ministry of Long-Term Care, there is no limit on the number of visitors and caregivers who may visit a resident at a time.

Please note that staff may ask individuals to step outside residents’ rooms when they enter to perform certain care duties.

All individuals are strongly encouraged to avoid situations where COVID-19 can spread more easily, such as crowded places with many people nearby close-contact settings and confined and enclosed spaces with poor ventilation.

Paid Private Companions 

Please note that Baycrest Hospital allows the same level of patient access for general visitors and paid private companions. Paid private companions are no longer required to formally register with Baycrest Hospital unless the patient, the patient’s power of attorney or their secondary decision maker, requests that the paid private companion have extended access with the patient. This request will need to be reviewed and approved by the care team.

Visitor Policy Details for Apotex Centre, Long-Term Care

Apotex Visitation Policy

Caregivers for Apotex Residents

A caregiver is a type of visitor who is designated by the resident and/or their SDM to provide direct care to the resident. Caregivers can be family members, privately hired caregivers or paid companions and must be at least 16 years old. 

To register a caregiver, please contact your social worker and provide them with the following information.

  • Your name
  • Are you an SDM or resident?
  • Resident’s floor and neighbourhood (if known)
  • If you are not the resident, name of the resident for whom you are designating a caregiver:
  • Name of the caregiver(s)
  • Contact information of the caregiver(s)
    • Phone number
    • Email address
    • Home address

Caregivers and Paid Private Companions in Baycrest Terraces

Caregivers and paid private companions must be registered with us to have access to our campus. A caregiver is a type of visitor who is designated by the resident and/or their SDM to provide direct care to the resident (e.g., supporting feeding, mobility, personal hygiene, cognitive stimulation, communication, meaningful connection, relational continuity and assistance in decision-making). Caregivers are not paid for their care. To register caregivers or private companions, please contact your social worker. Subsequent information will be provided following the initial email.