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At SPA 2025, trainees will have the opportunity to:

  • Attend “Brain Aging Basics” to learn foundational knowledge about brain changes older persons experience.   
  • Tour Baycrest’s unique facilities, which consist of clinical healthcare and residential settings, basic and translational research and education centres, and innovation spaces.
  • Gain research skills through interactive workshops on a variety of methodological and analytical approaches.
  • Practice implementation skills for conducting research in real-world settings.
  • Engage with novel, evidence-based training methods such as gamified learning platforms.
  • Learn from people with lived experience (older persons and healthcare professionals who work with them) through meaningful roundtable discussions and meals.
  • Interact with simulated participants and wear an ‘aging suit’ to experience physical conditions like frailty.
  • Diversify their professional development toolkit with workshops on grant writing, peer review, knowledge mobilization and commercialization.
  • Network with diverse stakeholders (e.g., other trainees, academics, clinicians, industry partners, older adults with lived experience) and gain professional skills for effective knowledge exchange.
  • Learn about translational research case studies that have translated science and research into commercially available programs or products.
  • Experience showcases of interdisciplinary team initiatives and innovation demonstrations that support the healthcare workforce and their training/education.
  • Co-design a novel approach for a specific problem in aging with a diverse team.
  • Gain an understanding of the studies and initiatives linked to the CIHR Institute of Aging's major initiatives: the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging, and the Brain Health and Cognitive Impairment in Aging (BHCIA) Research Initiative, including the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA).

For questions about SPA 2025, please contact