National Institute on Aging (USA) Gives information about how to reduce risk that might increase the chance of developing dementia. Alzheimer Society (Canada) Provides activities you can do to keep you brain active and healthy. In addition, gives food recipes and fitness tips to help keep the brain active. Alzheimer Society (UK) Provide evidence based information regarding potential ways of preventing the development of dementia. NHS Health Scotland (UK) (Video) Informative video on caring for yourself and how to cope with the difficulties of begin a carer for a family member suffering from dementia. Medline Plus (USA) Gives multiple links to different resources to help you cope with the difficulties of providing care and stay healthy Baycrest (Canada) Provides information to caregivers regarding on how to manage behaviour changes, take care of one's self, and providing care at home. Fountain of Health (Canada) Translates current science of healthy aging, wellbeing and resilience, and offers practical tools to improve health outcomes over the lifespan. Support Services Baycrest (Canada) Koschitzky Centre provides caregivers with support services to cope with the physical and emotional demands of caring for someone. Alzheimer Society (Canada) First link is service that connects you to support services and provides education to help manage the changes that occur as result of dementia. The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (USA) Information regarding support groups within Ontario to discuss frontotemporal or early onset dementia. Alzheimer Society (Canada) Gives tips on how to receive emotional support. Alzheimer's Society (UK) Online discussion room to talk about dementia and caregiving issues Alzheimer Society (Canada) Caregiver forum to receive advice and support to deal with the daily challenges of caregiving. Alzheimer's and Dementia Weekly (USA) Provides articles on dementia and up-to-date information on current advancement in care for dementia. Living with Dementia (Canada) Provides information about accessing education and social services, home care and respite care within the community for the care provider. Toronto Dementia Network (Canada) List different organization the provide services and programs related to dementia in Toronto. Champlain Healthline (Canada) Provides list of different support services available within Ottawa area. Also gives resources and information about dementia. Living with dementia (Canada) Helps you find information about housing options that are available to make an informed decision. Managing stress NIH Senior Health (USA) Provide tips on taking care of yourself physically and mentally to prevent you from being overwhelmed or stressed out as a caregiver. Alzheimer's Association (USA) Gives information on caregiver depression and provides coping tips to manage it effectively. Alzheimer Society (Canada) Tips on reducing stress in your daily life.