Baycrest (Canada) Newly developed book "Dementia: A Caregiver's Guide" provides a detailed overview on providing care to older adults suffering from dementia. ALZwell Caregiver Support (USA) Gives guidelines for providing care to individuals suffering from dementia. National Institute on Aging (USA) Provides tips on everyday care topic (i.e. bathing, grooming, etc.), communication, maintain relationships and safety. Virginia Tech (PDF Booklet) (USA) Booklet on Mild cognitive impairment. Give tips and strategies to manage the different symptoms. Alzheimer Society (Canada) Provides information on the impact of the dementia on quality of life for individual dealing with dementia. Alzheimer Society (Canada) Helping care providers by providing tips and strategies for Personal care, safety, driving, staying active, sleep and meal time to assist with care of individual suffering from dementia. Alzheimer Society (UK) Everyday care tips (i.e. dressing, health, washing, eating/drinking) National Institute on Aging (USA) Information on providing care for person with Alzheimer disease Alzheimer Society (Canada) Provide tips for care providers taking care of family member suffering from early stage of dementia. Alzheimer Society (Canada) Provide tips for care providers taking care of family member suffering from middle stage of dementia. Alzheimer Society (Canada) Provide tips for care providers taking care of family member suffering from dementia. NIH Senior Health (USA) Provides tips on encouraging Activities (i.e. Music, dancing, gardening, pets, Cooking, and Household chores) among individual suffering from dementia. Lewy Body Dementia Association (USA) Information for caregivers on managing behavioural symptoms, resources on Lewy body dementia. Provide access to support groups for caregivers. Behavioural management techniques Health Talk - Video (UK) Strategies from care providers to manage symptoms of those suffering from dementia. Also provides tips on how to deal with difficult behavioural situations. Alzheimer Society (Canada) Comprehensive guide on understanding behaviours of individuals suffering from dementia. Provides tips on communicating and has video series discussing major behaviour changes and provides strategies to manage them. The guide is also available in multiple languages. Alzheimer Society (Canada) Provides information on how to respond to dementia related behaviour and gives simples strategies to manage behaviour. National Institute of Aging (USA) Explains different behaviours and provides tips to manage those behaviours. Gives tips on communication. The information is available in easy to read PDF format. National Institute on Aging (PDF Booklet) (USA) Booklet on understanding individual that are suffering from dementia . Provides coping strategies to deal with the challenges care provider face while providing care. Exercise & Physical activity Alzheimer Society Canada (Canada) Helps with staying active by providing strategies to incorporate physical activity into the daily life. Healthy Eating Alzheimer Society Canada (Canada) Discuss the difficulties a care provider faces during mealtime. Provides strategies to help individual suffering from dementia receive proper nutrition. Assisting with ADL (bathing, Grooming and dressing) National Institute on Aging (USA) Provide tips on encouraging physical activity, healthy eating and assisting with everyday care. Alzheimer Society (Canada) Gives tips and strategies for care provides to assist with dressing, toileting/incontinence, bathing and dental care. NHS Health Scotland (Video) (UK) A series of short films providing tips and strategies on how to cope with every day challenges (i.e. showering, dressing) when dealing with dementia related symptoms.