October 13, 2020
Occupational therapy is a health profession that empowers people of all ages to overcome barriers in their everyday lives so they can do more and live better.
At Baycrest, Occupational Therapists identify individuals’ strengths and abilities and work to improve daily function for clients, patients and residents across many of our programs. During the pandemic, Occupational Therapists at Baycrest have pivoted quickly to support clinical areas outside of usual practice, based on patient need and unit demands. They have developed creative ways to assess and promote maintenance of function for newly admitted patients who are restricted to their rooms for the 14 day isolation period, and they have engaged with families remotely, using iPads/cell phone cameras to determine home safety issues/concerns prior to discharging patients home.
Even during these stressful times you can still find your Occupational Therapist providing support and smiling behind the mask!
Please take a moment to say “thank you” to an Occupational Therapist. They are helping to make the everyday possible!