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Brain Health: Ways to Track, Maintain and Improve Brain Health at Every Age

Speaker: Dr. Larissa McKetton, PhD
The best science and the latest technology to help people maintain brain health at every age should be accessible, and trusted. Join us as Dr. Larissa McKetton, PhD shares ways to track and evaluate your brain health using a free, private, clinically researched Brain Health Assessment and Smart Tracker tool. Larissa will discuss a number of ways to maintain and improve brain health, and welcomes participants of all ages to learn more about joining the Brain Health Registry. The presentation will be followed by Q & A. This webinar is open for all ages, family, caregivers and professionals in the cognitive fields alike.

Dr. Larissa McKetton is the Director of Scientific and Clinical Development at Cogniciti, a brain health company that brings together the best science and the latest technology to help people maintain their brain health at every age