October 01, 2020

Today, Baycrest’s Centre for Education is launching a new
Health Information portal in conjunction with the start of
National Health Literacy Month. The portal provides resources, links and tools in multiple formats from Baycrest experts and vetted external resources of value.
The portal provides easy access to education resources currently on baycrest.org with excellent navigation and usability. It provides staff access to reliable and up-to-date health information relevant to practice and supports client and family partnership in care by allowing staff to refer interested clients to this trusted site.
“This portal provides access to reliable health information created and curated by Baycrest experts to optimize the health and well-being of older adults in Canada and around the world,” said David Conn, Vice-President, Education and Director of Centre for Education at Baycrest. “We engaged our Client and Family Partners, as well as the Senior’s Advisory Group from our Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation, who provided vital insight and recommendations at the outset of this initiative to ensure this portal provides the right information, in the right way for healthcare consumers.”
Baycrest is grateful to those who contributed to the content of this portal, to our
Baycrest Foundation and our donors who make this possible.